February is on of my favorite months (a close second behind September). It’s my birthday month, the month of LOVE, and typically the time of year we take a little vacay! I am an avid Valentine’s Day decorator, so many of these pieces center around the day all about LOVE! Keep your eyes peeled for these sweet vintage items!
When I bought this mailbox I never imagined all the joy it would bring our home. I love to use this mailbox for Valentine’s day, stuffing it full of beautiful blooms or vintage letters. This mailbox also doubles for Christmas, as the keeper of all those letters to Santa!
Anything with a HEART
It could be milk glass with a dainty heart or a rug beater in a heart shape, if it has a heart on it, its game on for February! These gold candle sticks are my favorite! You will be amazed at how you start seeing hearts everywhere you go now that you are looking!
Old Letters
There is just something so special about an old hand written letter. The sweet script, the vintage stamp, its all so charming. These are perfect to display anywhere. This year we made a fun gallery wall centered around these letters of love.
I am always looking for unique pieces that take the place of an “X” and an “O” for Valentine’s Day. X’s can easily be made from old spindles and old pieces of chippy barn wood. O’s can be found in mirrors, old frames, hat boxes, or an old cheese box. Never stop searching for those hugs and kisses hiding among the vintage goodness!
Roses are the quintessential symbol of love! My favorite type of roses are found on milk glass, ironstone, and glassware. Fireking has this amazing pattern seen below that is so beautiful!
Candy Boxes or Tins
I love hunting for vintage Valentine chocolate boxes but have recently began to love vintage candy tins too. The graphics on them are so unique and these often double for Halloween too!
Last but not least…..
Vintage Valentine’s
Back in the day, valentines were so clever! The sayings, the graphics, they are all so vibrant and darling. I also like to include vintage Valentine post cards too, because they are really spectacular. Post cards are the best because if they were used you can always read the message and they are stamped with the date!
Wishing you lots of LOVE and X’s and O’x in all your vintage treasure hunting!
Love everything you’ve done! I have embraced Valentine’s Day more than usual this year. I mean what else can we do?